Via Eternia’s YouTube page:
Toronto, Feb. 3 – In Honor of Black History Month, Kuumba Festival & The Harbourfront Centre was host to The Honey Jam’s “Then & Now” Alumni Bash. What a night! Hosted by Canadian Hip Hop Legend Michie Mee, the event featured Honey Jam alumni performing tribute songs while paying homage to inspiring black female artists. Featured artists included Jully Black, Jemeni, Belinda Brady, DJ Melboogie, Kellylee Evans, Kim Davis, True, Motion, Natasha Waterman, Saidah Baba Talibah, and Eternia, who surprised the audience by bringing out Tara Chase – a Canadian Rap Legend who is rarely seen on stage these days – to perform her DJ Mercilless produced tribute to Canada, “The Northside”.