Freedom Writers release NOW


The collective known as the Freedom Writers have released their full-length album, NOW.

“This record has absolutely no right sounding as cohesive and consistently cracking as it does. The debut long-player from Toronto, ON super-friends Freedom Writers features contributions from five core MCs, plus an additional five vocalists, yet never once feels disjointed.” – Luke Fox, EXCLAIM! 8/10

The wait is over, the album is here! Toronto’s fan favourites the FREEDOM WRITERS have amassed a delicious 17 course meal of unabashed lyricism, uncompromising social commentary and unbelievable songs. 5 dangerous Emcees, 1 dedicated producer and phenomenal guest appearances by O.G. Toronto wordsmith Mathematik, soulful vocalists Ayah and T.R.A.C.K.S. as well as potent contributions from community minded artists Ian Kamau and Franz Thomas equals one jam packed, Hip Hop soundtrack you have to own.

PURCHASE: Freedom Writers – NOW (Bandcamp)

Show Your Solidarity – May 8 @ Great Hall

Manitobah Mukluks invites you to attend SOLIDARITY {Ul’tsahz Dehtnee} on Tuesday, May 8: A Concert In Support of Indigenous Rights & Against The Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline and Supertanker Project.

“This is about our freedom to choose our future, our freedom to live according to our own culture, our freedom to govern ourselves and our lands, and our freedom from the catastrophic risks of an Enbridge oil spill. We are fighting for our very survival. An oil spill into our lands and waters threatens our health, our culture, and our very existence as separate peoples.”

– Chief Jackie Thomas of Saik’uz First Nation, a member of the Yinka Dene Alliance

Performances by Kinnie Starr, A Tribe Called Red, Tanika Charles & The Wonderfuls, Freedom Writers, Cheryl Bear, Skratch Bastid, Ian Kamau, Plex, Yinka Dene Drummers, DJ Ariel

Tuesday, May 8, 2012
The Great Hall (1087 Queen St. W.)

Cost: FREE / Pay What You Can
Doors: 8 PM | 19+
Info: Facebook