R.U.I.N. drops The Audacity of DOPE


Twenty-one-year-old R.U.I.N. released his debut LP The Audacity of DOPE which was produced primarily by Relic and Troy K along with DJ Clutch, Lex Luthorz and Stephen Greater. The album’s 15 tracks include features from NewBreedMC, Prince EA, O.G. and Woodz.

DOWNLOAD: R.U.I.N. – The Audacity of DOPE (Bandcamp)

NewBreedMC releases Your Mom Likes My Mix Tape


Your Mom Likes My Mix Tape is the new project from NewBreedMC featuring production from Astro Mega, SeAn Prominent and Kolor Brown, among others. Other artists making an appearance include pHoenix Pagliacci, Relic, J Wyze, Louwop, R.U.I.N. and more.

NewBreedMC is also preparing for the release of his untitled EP this October.

DOWNLOAD: NewBreedMC – Your Mom Likes My MixTape (Bandcamp)

[Audio] R.U.I.N. – Cheery-O! (prod. Lex Luthorz)


R.U.I.N. is set to release his album The Audacity of DOPE shortly, and in advance of that has dropped his new single “Cheery-O!” produced by Lex Luthorz.

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DOWNLOAD: R.U.I.N. – Cheery-O! (Bandcamp)