[Audio] Tru-Paz – Speak


“Speak” is the latest single off of Tru-Paz’s Tru To The Game Without A Pause.

It seems that in this day and time that our freedom of speech is being limited on a daily basis and the only way for us as a people to gain true freedom of speech is to “Speak” our minds. Tru-Paz has once again put the message in the music…”Speak”

URBNET releases new mixtape


URBNET just released their latest mixtape for Fall 2013 featuring 10 tracks off of some of their latest projects. The artists featured include Kae Sun, A.M. Architect, DL Incognito, Dan-e-o, Moka Only, Derek Christoff & The Arkeologists, Sweatshop Union, Pigeon Hole, Canadian Winter and Tru-Paz.

[Audio] Tru-Paz – Believe (ft. Exco Levi)


“Believe” is the new single from Tru-Paz and their album Tru To The Game Without A Pause.

This is another inspirational song about giving our community and people something to “Believe” in. We “Believe” in the people, We “Believe” in real music, and We “Believe” in love.

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[Audio] Tru-Paz – Words


Tru-Paz have released “Words,” an unreleased track from their recent album Tru To The Game Without A Pause. You can also read a recent post by Akim on Tru-Paz’ blog about “words.”

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DOWNLOAD: Tru-Paz – Words (Bandcamp)