MC FÜBB releases the poet

MC FÜBB has released his latest project, the poet. The EP consists of 8 tracks featuring appearances from Wordsworth, Relic, Mike Devine, J Shiltz, Bad Newz, DJ Docta and DJ Uncle Fester. Production duties are handled by Junia-T, Fresh Kils, MMAC, Justunlimited, Noyz, Bix and NTG.

DOWNLOAD: MC FÜBB – the poet (Bandcamp)

[Audio] Smash Brovaz – Casserine

The duo Junia-T and Crooklin, also known as Smash Brovaz, have released their latest single, “Casserine,” in advance of their upcoming LP, Think It’s A Game, which is set to drop on December 13th.

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DOWNLOAD: Smash Brovaz – Casserine (Bandcamp)

S.A.R.S. 9: Quarantine available now

Sick Artists Runnin Shit is back with the next installment of their mixtape series, S.A.R.S. 9: Quarantine. The new mixtape features appearances from Talksick, Paradox, KemiKAL, Theology 3, Diaz, Hazardous Material, Raz Fresco, Tekman, Episode Ace Holla, Junia-T, Adversaree, TRA, Caution Da Don, Peter Jackson, Set2, William Blankz, Puzzle, Adam Bomb, Kinsmuv, Tommy Spitz and more.

“Colours of Love (Junia-T Remix)” features Tanika Charles and is the second single from Kit Knows’ mixtape The Second Space: Kit in T.O. Directed by Kit Knows himself, the video features live artwork by Marra Saltmarche.

DOWNLOAD: Kit Knows – The Second Space: Kit in T.O. (Bandcamp)